"Dreams show us how to find meaning in our lives, how to fulfill our destiny, how to realize the greater potential of life within us."
-Marie Louise von Franz
The Way Of The Dream
Jungian Oriented Therapy
Dreams are a creative way to work with the unconscious. To be creative means to bring something into being, and the unconscious is a source for that new being. We are not just what we know of ourselves—there is the greater potential of life in us which is like that of a great ice berg—we see the tip of it, this is what we know of ourselves, but the vastness of it’s being is down below in the depths where we do not see it—this shimmers from below like the greater possibility of life yet unseen within the individual. Our suffering has meaning and if we are struggling or in crisis this can be the catalyst for change. Our recognition that something is out of balance is the first step in recognizing we need help. Perhaps we are struggling with loss or sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety or depression. Or a door has closed and we fear another will not open. Carl Jung (1875-1961), the Swiss psychiatrist who developed analytical psychology tells us that “certain types of pain…are symbolically meaningful. This is one way the unconscious expresses itself.” Jung explored the depths of the soul through dreams, art and mythology and emphasized the importance of the understanding of the psyche. Our psyche is a part of nature and dreams come from that nature to speak to us in a metaphoric language.
Our work together will be to explore these metaphors from your dreams, feelings, memories and reflections in a safe therapeutic environment. The result of our work is a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your authentic Self, others and the world. This greater relationship with yourself is the catalyst for healing, transformation and personal development. This healing work requires commitment and is a personal investment in your self to benefit you and your journey through life.
Dreams are a creative way to work with the unconscious. To be creative means to bring something into being, and the unconscious is a source for that new being. We are not just what we know of ourselves—there is the greater potential of life in us which is like that of a great ice berg—we see the tip of it, this is what we know of ourselves, but the vastness of it’s being is down below in the depths where we do not see it—this shimmers from below like the greater possibility of life yet unseen within the individual. Our suffering has meaning and if we are struggling or in crisis this can be the catalyst for change. Our recognition that something is out of balance is the first step in recognizing we need help. Perhaps we are struggling with loss or sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety or depression. Or a door has closed and we fear another will not open. Carl Jung (1875-1961), the Swiss psychiatrist who developed analytical psychology tells us that “certain types of pain…are symbolically meaningful. This is one way the unconscious expresses itself.” Jung explored the depths of the soul through dreams, art and mythology and emphasized the importance of the understanding of the psyche. Our psyche is a part of nature and dreams come from that nature to speak to us in a metaphoric language.
Our work together will be to explore these metaphors from your dreams, feelings, memories and reflections in a safe therapeutic environment. The result of our work is a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your authentic Self, others and the world. This greater relationship with yourself is the catalyst for healing, transformation and personal development. This healing work requires commitment and is a personal investment in your self to benefit you and your journey through life.
Focus Areas
-self confidence
-learning to love one's self
-life transitions
-relationship and attachment issues
-spiritual issues
-self development
-recovery from narcissistic abuse
-emotional distress
-life after divorce
-women's issues
-therapy for therapists
-parenting children with special needs
-self confidence
-learning to love one's self
-life transitions
-relationship and attachment issues
-spiritual issues
-self development
-recovery from narcissistic abuse
-emotional distress
-life after divorce
-women's issues
-therapy for therapists
-parenting children with special needs